So, there's something called dendrophilia and it really takes the term "tree-hugging hippies" to a whole new level, as it basically means that a person is sexually aroused by trees. Trees!! I mean, look, I have this gorgeous almond tree in front of my bedroom window and each year around late-February it blooms with these delicate little white flowers, quite lovely to wake up to. But I've never gone "jee, I wanna rub against that tree whilst pleasuring myself". Still, when you think of all the other weird shit people are turned on by, plants seem kind of ok somehow(probably not for the trees though). Out of all of the horrific, disgusting stuff I've read about, necrophilia just seems to be especially fucked up. I guess I chose this particular one because of my fascination with writers like Poe and Guy de Maupassant, as well as a brief encounter with the works of Apollinaire.Also, if you've ever touched a dead body in rigor mortis, like say a animal, it's just this odd, gross, hollow thing. So, why? I don't get it. I'm not being rhetorical, I'm actually asking. If anybody has this specific...taste (not really my target audience, but still), I'd like to know, no judgement(ok, a little bit of judgement). On the other hand there is the morally deplorable act of pedophilia, which stems from deep-seeded psychological issues and traumas. What must be understood about these people is that they are mentally ill or unstable in some way or another. This all may seem terribly macabre and a complex subject to bring up so casually, which I promise you I am not, even though it appears as if I am jokingly over-simplifying it. I do not take anything lightly and am not trying to offend anyone. That is anyone, except my high school Religious Studies teacher who is an ignorant cunt who should not be aloud to teach children or have any for that matter. So, this was years ago when I was still in school and in one of her classes,even though I purposefully never missed an opportunity to remind her I am an atheist and the Mother of Hell(she did not think that was funny). Small parenthesis here to explain the previous term. When I was a kid I was very intuitive and loved to mess with people's head, not cool people but the idiots. So, I was 3 or 4 years old and living in London with my parents at the time, when I was on the bus with my dad and in walks this lady and sits in the seat in front of us. She is in her late 50s probably, wearing her proper Sunday church outfit and grasping firmly onto a Bible. I guess there was some kind of asshole vibe emanating from her because I stood up and started chanting "I'm the Mother of Hell, I'm the Mother of Hell". I am not even shitting you. I must've scared the bejesus out of her and I was pleased with myself. Parenthesis close. So, I'm in one of her Religious Studies classes and on she starts going about homosexual people being the same as pedophiles. In front of teenage malleable and extremely suggestible kids. Lets just study this scenario for a second. Pedophiles who are very ill individuals with enough psychological trauma to fill her precious Bible pages, who are sexually attracted to children that often results in violent sexual acts against children(not always, but that is the worst case scenario), are to be compared to people of the same sex being in a consensual relationship or engaging in consensual sex. I got into a screaming match with her and tried my best to get her fired(unfortunately it didn't work but she retired a year later so result!). A paraphilia, such is pedophilia or the aforementioned necrophilia(seriously what the hell?) is a condition, with causes and symptoms. Being with a person of the same sex is not! It's not caused from trauma, it's not a disease, it's not a choice and if it is, it is not the wrong or right one. Calling a homosexual person irregular, sick or not normal, denying a fellow human being the same rights in marriage and parenthood as a straight individual is shortsighted and downright idiotic. You may not like it, you may not have the same sexual orientation but at the end of the day it's non of your business. So the next time you ask if someone is gay or straight know that you are the irregular one for not asking the basic questions "what kind of person are they?", "what are they interested in?" "are they loving or hateful?". Because if the first thing you think to ask is what they do in their beds, something is seriously wrong with you(and I kinda feel like stabbing you in the eye with a fork). Because isn't it enough that you love someone? Why should it be about who you love, male or female? Love is universal and does not discriminate.

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